

什么是 有状态服务和 无状态服务

有状态服务(Stateful Service):

无状态服务(Stateless Service):


再简单地讲, 有状态服务需要考虑用户数据如何在各个service instance 中同步的问题。
而无状态服务是不需要考虑的, 所以无状态服务能基于QPS 无限制地进行增加实例, 但是有状态并不能这么做

K8S 的deployment 是不是只能用于无状态服务

Deployment 在 Kubernetes 中用于管理无状态应用的更新和扩缩容,但它也可以用于管理有状态应用。Deployment 控制器是 Kubernetes 中的一种资源对象,它提供了应用部署的声明性描述,并负责确保所需的 Pod 副本数目在集群中运行。

Deployment 控制器的主要功能是实现滚动更新(Rolling Update)和回滚(Rollback)。无状态应用通常使用 Deployment 来进行部署和更新,因为它们的实例可以平滑地替换,而不会对应用的状态造成影响。

然而,有状态应用也可以使用 Deployment 进行部署,尤其是在需要水平扩展和滚动更新有状态应用时。通过配置适当的存储卷(Volume)和持久性声明(PersistentVolumeClaim),可以确保有状态应用在 Pod 替换过程中不会丢失数据。

此外,对于有状态应用,Kubernetes 还提供了 StatefulSet 控制器,它专门用于部署和管理有状态应用。StatefulSet 可以为每个 Pod 分配一个唯一的标识符和稳定的网络标识,确保有状态应用的稳定性和持久性。StatefulSet 适用于需要有序部署、有状态存储和有状态网络标识的应用场景。

因此,Deployment 对于无状态应用是常用的部署方式,但也可以用于管理有状态应用。对于有状态应用,可以使用 StatefulSet 来获得更多的特性和保证。

StatefulSet 更适合用于有状态service的部署


  1. 稳定的网络标识符:StatefulSet 为每个 Pod 分配一个唯一的标识符,通常是以序号的形式命名,例如 myapp-0, myapp-1,以此类推。这些标识符在 Pod 的重新创建过程中保持不变,使得有状态应用能够保持稳定的网络标识。这对于一些需要固定标识符的应用非常重要,例如数据库集群中的主从关系或者分布式系统中的节点标识。

  2. 有序的部署和扩缩容:StatefulSet 支持有序的部署和扩缩容。在扩展 StatefulSet 时,Kubernetes 会按照指定的顺序创建新的 Pod,确保先创建的 Pod 首先可用。这对于一些有状态应用非常重要,例如数据库集群中的主从复制关系,需要确保先启动主节点再启动从节点。

  3. 持久性存储:StatefulSet 可以与持久性存储卷(Persistent Volume)和持久性卷声明(Persistent Volume Claim)结合使用,确保有状态应用在 Pod 的重新创建过程中保留数据。每个 Pod 可以绑定到一个独立的持久性存储卷,以确保数据的持久性和可靠性。

  4. 有状态应用的管理:StatefulSet 提供了一些管理有状态应用的功能。例如,可以使用 rollingUpdate 策略来控制有状态应用的滚动更新过程,确保更新的稳定性。此外,StatefulSet 还支持有状态应用的有序删除,以及与有状态应用相关的服务发现和 DNS 解析。

一个StatefulSet 的部署例子 - Creation

先编写1个yaml file:

apiVersion: v1 # api version
kind: Service # type of this resource e.g. Pod/Deployment ..
  name: nginx-stateful-service # name of the service
    app: nginx-stateful-service
  - port: 80 # port of the service, used to access the service
    name: web-port
  clusterIP: None # the service is not exposed outside the cluster
  selector: # label of the Pod that the Service is selecting
    app: nginx-stateful # only service selector could skip the matchLabels:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet # it's for a stateful application, it's a controller
  name: nginx-statefulset # name of the statefulset
    app: nginx-stateful
spec: # detail description
  serviceName: "nginx-stateful-service" # name of the service that used to manange the dns,  
                                         # must be the same as the service name defined above
  replicas: 3 # desired replica count
  selector: # label of the Pod that the StatefulSet is managing
      app: nginx-stateful
  template: # Pod template
        app: nginx-stateful
      - name: nginx-container
        image: nginx:1.25.4 # image of the container
        ports: # the ports of the container and they will be exposed
        - containerPort: 80 # the port used by the container service
          name: web-port

上面的yaml 文件创建了两个资源
1个是statefulset 部署对象

但是并没有pvc data volume 对象, 严格上将上面部署的service还是无状态的, 但是本部分之focus on statefulset 的creation, 先忽略pvc.


关键就是下面service name 的标签

  serviceName: "nginx-stateful-service" # name of the service that used to manange the dns,  
                                         # must be the same as the service name defined above

serviceName 字段的作用是为 StatefulSet 中的每个 Pod 提供一个稳定的网络标识符。当 StatefulSet 创建 Pod 时,每个 Pod 都会以其索引号作为后缀,形成一个唯一的 DNS 名称。这个 DNS 名称由以下组成:pod-name.service-name.namespace.svc.cluster.local。

通过指定 serviceName 字段,StatefulSet 与服务进行关联,使得每个 Pod 都能够使用服务的名称作为其 DNS 标识符。这样,每个 Pod 可以通过服务名称进行网络通信,而不需要知道其他 Pod 的具体名称或 IP 地址。

当执行这个配置文件后, 可以见到 pods 是顺序创建的, 创建好 pod0 再是 pod1 才是 pod2, 这就是1个和deployment pods创建很大的区别!

[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ kubectl apply -f stateful-nginx-without-pvc.yaml 
service/nginx-stateful-service created
statefulset.apps/nginx-statefulset created
[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ bash show.sh 
+ kubectl get pvc
No resources found in default namespace.
+ kubectl get svc
NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
bq-api-service-1         NodePort   <none>        32111:30604/TCP   15h
kubernetes               ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP           76d
nginx-stateful-service   ClusterIP   None            <none>        80/TCP            6s
+ kubectl get sts
NAME                READY   AGE
nginx-statefulset   1/3     6s
+ kubectl get pods
NAME                                        READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-4qcsp   1/1     Running             0          5h20m
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-7x54w   1/1     Running             0          5h20m
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-xfxcw   1/1     Running             0          5h20m
nginx-statefulset-0                         1/1     Running             0          7s
nginx-statefulset-1                         0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5s
[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ 
[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ bash show.sh 
+ kubectl get pvc
No resources found in default namespace.
+ kubectl get svc
NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
bq-api-service-1         NodePort   <none>        32111:30604/TCP   15h
kubernetes               ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP           76d
nginx-stateful-service   ClusterIP   None            <none>        80/TCP            15s
+ kubectl get sts
NAME                READY   AGE
nginx-statefulset   2/3     15s
+ kubectl get pods
NAME                                        READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-4qcsp   1/1     Running             0          5h20m
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-7x54w   1/1     Running             0          5h20m
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-xfxcw   1/1     Running             0          5h20m
nginx-statefulset-0                         1/1     Running             0          16s
nginx-statefulset-1                         1/1     Running             0          14s
nginx-statefulset-2                         0/1     ContainerCreating   0          7s
[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ bash show.sh 
+ kubectl get pvc
No resources found in default namespace.
+ kubectl get svc
NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
bq-api-service-1         NodePort   <none>        32111:30604/TCP   15h
kubernetes               ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP           76d
nginx-stateful-service   ClusterIP   None            <none>        80/TCP            52s
+ kubectl get sts
NAME                READY   AGE
nginx-statefulset   3/3     52s
+ kubectl get pods
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-4qcsp   1/1     Running   0          5h20m
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-7x54w   1/1     Running   0          5h20m
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf-xfxcw   1/1     Running   0          5h20m
nginx-statefulset-0                         1/1     Running   0          53s
nginx-statefulset-1                         1/1     Running   0          51s
nginx-statefulset-2                         1/1     Running   0          44s

重点, 跟上面的deployments的pod是不同, deployment pods 是无序的, 后面跟的是无意义的字符串, 而statefulset 的pods 是严格按照顺序创建! POD名字后序是index 数字


当service 创建之后
默认在 nodes里是无法直接访问的, 例如

root@k8s-master:~# ping nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service
ping: nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service: Name or service not known
root@k8s-master:~# ping nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local
ping: nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local: Name or service not known

上面提到了, 这个例子中的service 的作用是为pods 提供1个稳定的DNS name
简写: $podName.$serviceName


在k8s-master 中是无法访问的

原因就是这些DNS 只能在 k8s 的pod内部访问!

为了测试, 我们临时创建1个pod with busybox

kubectl run -it --image busybox:1.28 dns-test --restart=Never /bin/sh

注意, busybox 默认是没安装bash 和 curl的, 但是有ping 和 nslookup

现在可以ping 通了

/ # ping nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service
PING nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=14.367 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.093 ms

nslookup 结果
可见 k8s 容器内 , DNS server 是10.96.0.10 kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

解释为 nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local

而这个10.244.2.109 就是该pod的ip, 并且给了1个DNS 域名 nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local

/ # nslookup nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service
Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

Name:      nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service
Address 1: nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local
/ # nslookup nginx-statefulset-1.nginx-stateful-service
Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

Name:      nginx-statefulset-1.nginx-stateful-service
Address 1: nginx-statefulset-1.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local
/ # nslookup nginx-statefulset-2.nginx-stateful-service
Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

Name:      nginx-statefulset-2.nginx-stateful-service
Address 1: nginx-statefulset-2.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local


/ # wget http://nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local
Connecting to nginx-statefulset-0.nginx-stateful-service.default.svc.cluster.local (
index.html           100% |******************************************************************************************************************************************************************|   615   0:00:00 ETA
/ # cat index.html 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
html { color-scheme: light dark; }
body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

StatefulSet 的scale - 扩容和缩容


kubectl scale statefulset \$statefulsetName --replicas=5
# another method
kubectl patch statefulset statefulsetName -p '{"spec":{"replicas":5}}'


用第一命令去把 replicas 从3 改成10

[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ kubectl scale statefulset nginx-statefulset --replicas=10
statefulset.apps/nginx-statefulset scaled
[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ 
[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ kubectl describe sts nginx-statefulset
Name:               nginx-statefulset
Namespace:          default
CreationTimestamp:  Sat, 22 Jun 2024 19:48:11 +0800
Selector:           app=nginx-stateful
Labels:             app=nginx-stateful
Annotations:        <none>
Replicas:           10 desired | 9 total
Update Strategy:    RollingUpdate
  Partition:        0
Pods Status:        9 Running / 1 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
Pod Template:
  Labels:  app=nginx-stateful
    Image:         nginx:1.25.4
    Port:          80/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
    Environment:   <none>
    Mounts:        <none>
  Volumes:         <none>
  Node-Selectors:  <none>
  Tolerations:     <none>
Volume Claims:     <none>
  Type    Reason            Age                From                    Message
  ----    ------            ----               ----                    -------
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  36s (x2 over 98s)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-3 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  35s (x2 over 97s)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-4 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  34s                statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-5 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  32s                statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-6 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  31s                statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-7 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  29s                statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-8 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  28s                statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-9 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful

通过describe 命令 可以见 当前运行的副本的确变成10 (9 running 还有1个正在创建)
而且pods 的创建是按顺序执行的

StatefulSet 的rollingUpdate 滚动更新

跟deployment 一样, 一样可以用set image 来执行

[gateman@manjaro-x13 bq-api-service]$ kubectl set image statefulset/nginx-statefulset nginx-container=nginx:1.26.1
statefulset.apps/nginx-statefulset image updated

从describe 信息来看, rolling update 也是按照pod的顺序来执行的

  Type    Reason            Age                From                    Message
  ----    ------            ----               ----                    -------
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  13m (x2 over 23m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-9 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  13m (x2 over 23m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-8 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulDelete  13m                statefulset-controller  delete Pod nginx-statefulset-7 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  13m (x2 over 23m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-7 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulDelete  12m                statefulset-controller  delete Pod nginx-statefulset-6 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m (x2 over 23m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-6 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m (x2 over 24m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-5 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulDelete  12m                statefulset-controller  delete Pod nginx-statefulset-5 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulDelete  12m (x2 over 24m)  statefulset-controller  delete Pod nginx-statefulset-4 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m (x3 over 25m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-4 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulDelete  12m (x2 over 24m)  statefulset-controller  delete Pod nginx-statefulset-3 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m (x3 over 25m)  statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-3 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulDelete  12m                statefulset-controller  delete Pod nginx-statefulset-2 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m (x2 over 3h)   statefulset-controller  create Pod nginx-statefulset-2 in StatefulSet nginx-statefulset successful

一样可以用kubectl annotate 命令去提供change cause

[gateman@manjaro-x13 bq-api-service]$ kubectl annotate statefulset/nginx-statefulset kubernetes.io/change-cause="downgraded to 1.26.1"
statefulset.apps/nginx-statefulset annotated

但是很可惜, 跟deployment 不一样, 不能在revision list 里显示 change cause的annotation

[gateman@manjaro-x13 bq-api-service]$ kubectl rollout history statefulset/nginx-statefulset 
1         <none>
2         <none>

而且跟deployment 不同
statefulset的 revision 没有 replicasets 的对应

[gateman@manjaro-x13 statefulsets]$ kubectl get rs -o wide
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE   CONTAINERS                 IMAGES                                                                       SELECTOR
bq-api-service-deployment-6f6ffc7866   0         0         0       18h   bq-api-service-container   europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/jason-hsbc/my-docker-repo/bq-api-service:1.1.7   app=bq-api-service,pod-template-hash=6f6ffc7866
bq-api-service-deployment-978b76fcf    3         3         3       8h    bq-api-service-container   europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/jason-hsbc/my-docker-repo/bq-api-service:1.1.8   app=bq-api-service,pod-template-hash=978b76fcf
bq-api-service-deployment-c4979b697    0         0         0       18h   bq-api-service-container   europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/jason-hsbc/my-docker-repo/bq-api-service:1.1.6   app=bq-api-service,pod-template-hash=c4979b697
